Friday, August 20, 2010

What's an effective way to get rid of spots?

it depends how severe they are. If you have acne it may be worth going to see your doctor who can prescribe effective antibiotics. If you only have a few then i would suggest tea tree oil, you can buy it from your local health food outlet amongst the aromatherapy items. Just dab a diluted bit on the area before you go to bed. A good clay based face mask will all improve your skin. Use one of these every couple of weeks. I wouldnt suggest toothpaste, this dries out the area but if your not careful and you apply it to good skin, you can burn your skin and be left with scarring.What's an effective way to get rid of spots?
What i do when i get a spot and i can feel it coming up but it not at the surface yet, i boil the kettel, and once it done, i dip a face towl into a bowl full of the boiling water, and let it coll for a min, so it still pretty warm, Then i lie down and place the towl on my face and leave it for about 5 mins! It works most times!What's an effective way to get rid of spots?
put a few drops of tea tree oil in a sink of hot but not boiling water (don't want to burn your face lol) then wash your face in this, then rinse with cold water and leave your skin to dry naturally. if done morning and night daily, you should notice a significant difference like i did after about 2 weeks :)
Drink plenty of water and drink green tea with lemon. Then rub the wet teabag on your face, directly onto the zits, although if you wanted to use it all over your face that's good too because it is a brilliant toner.
get some clearasil cleanser and use it daily. but the best thing is, try and make your skin better in the first place, eat loads of fruit etc, don't smoke, take multivitamins. this is the best way!
you may not think it but toothpaste is very effective, don't rub it everywhere on your face just where the spot is, this has always worked for me
Your Doctor is the best person to see.

Different spots needs different remedies.
i have the same problem.

went to the doctor and she gave me ideas about what products i should buy

or she can prescribe you an antibiotic

which im getting today =]
sudocrem i use it over night, works of me and my teenage son.
use sudocream, it really works!
have a steam sauna 5 times a week

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