Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Reddish Brown spots in between my breasts?

I started with a few tan spots in between my boobs. I asked online what it could be, and some thought because of the warmer temps, it may be a skin fungus. I started treating it with an anti-fungal twice a day (for a week or so), and really didn't see a difference. Then I started seeing some reddish colored spots, and small reddish pimples. The skin also appears dry there, even though it isn't. I then switched to Monistat and have been using that for a few days, but no real difference. I want to get rid of this quickly - not exactly very sexy. Any ideas of what this might be? Or does it really sound like a fungus? Maybe I just haven't been treating it long enough? I have been changing my bras every day and using powder in that area. After I shower and exfoliate the area, it always looks better, but doesn't last a long while. Maybe I should try the antifungal 3X per day?Reddish Brown spots in between my breasts?
It could be a skin rash, allergies, or even eczema. I would change course of treatment. Don't exfoliate, that may be exacerbating the problem.

Wash it 3X a day with soap and water, dry. Try pure corn starch powder (No perfumes, just the kitchen kind is fine). Let it breath. Around the house keep it exposed. It should start to dry up in a few days. Try this for a week.

Then either go to a doctor or try neosporene. Hope something work.Reddish Brown spots in between my breasts?
Were you on vacation anytime recently.Sometimes you can pick up strange fungal infections in the water

I know this sounds weird but I'm a pharmacist

There is one type of fungal infection that can best be treated by using some selsun blue shampoo on the area

However , having said that , the smart thing would be to ask your family doctor what he or she thought and if they didn't know get a referral to a Dermatologist

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