Friday, August 20, 2010

Whats the best way to get rid of spots?

Thankssss (:Whats the best way to get rid of spots?
My parrot can nip one off my face before I have time to feel it! Do you want to borrow her?Whats the best way to get rid of spots?
It really depends what the cause of you spots is. If you have a high dairy diet, try to cut it out and see if there is a difference. With regards to skin routines try Kyri and Kimi Lemon and rose day cream. This is a new natural skin care and cosmetic company that uses essential oils to help with all different types of skin problems. The lemon helps to reduce pores and the rose will take down the swelling and redness of the skin and work on the spots themselves. Try it!!!!!
I used to have severe acne but started using clinique's 3 step system for acne skin, together with sudocrem of a night and now my face is totally clear. diet also makes a different eat balanced and drink plenty of water. get lots of sleep and dont stress out! some spots are hormonal though and sometimes there is nothing you can do about it :( but think of it this way ALL celebs have acne and they can afford the best!
Plenty of water to drink. Fresh air. Clean skin. Non scented soaps.

Or no soap. clean towels.

Some fruit cause pimples apples can. See if a fruit causes it.

Eat less sugar and fatty stuff like chips and crisps.

Eat vegetables.
Use a face wash for spots. Clean and clear is good.
Eat Well.

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