Monday, August 23, 2010

I recently began to break out on my face. I have pimples and dark spots coming in on my cheeks.?

I like the Neutrogena skin care line. Is there anything I can use by them to help my blackheads, blemishes and pimples?I recently began to break out on my face. I have pimples and dark spots coming in on my cheeks.?
Pimples are actually mini-skin-infections. Any anti-biotic will help with them.

Are the dark spots small, like blackheads? Are they freckles? Or are they dark patches? Blackheads are usually found on the nose, occasionally the forehead, but can arise on the cheeks. They indicate a clogged oil pore. There are strong tape products that lift blackheads. They can also be dissolved with a clean oil.

Avoid strong cleansers, as they can irritate the skin and cause it to produce more oil. Keep your hands away from your face, and watch out for your hair, too, since those are usually the source of the bacteria that cause pimples.

If the dark spots are freckles, the only solution is to avoid the sun. Wear sunscreen every day! And learn to like them, because if you have freckles, you'll never really be rid of them.

If, however, the dark spots are more like patches of darker skin, you need to be checked by a doctor. Sometimes dark patches can be a sign of serious illness, like Diabetes. Don't take chances with your health. If they're bigger than a freckle, see a doc!I recently began to break out on my face. I have pimples and dark spots coming in on my cheeks.?
Neutrogena is okay but nothing beats Proactiv like the person above me suggested. It will clear all of the blackheads and blemishes away.
you should check with your dermatologist and ask her about Proactive. it works great and I love it
Proactiv worked wonders for me.
well let me tell u proactive works but theres a key u have to keep using it or ur skin will go bac to the way it use to but its up to u i use clean and clear jus apply on ur face and apply lotion so it dont look dry and go nothing to it

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