Friday, July 23, 2010

My tattoo is skin colored in some spots?

There are skin colored spots on my tattoo, that are actually a little darker than my skin color with a pink tint. It used to just be in a couple of spots, but now there are more. My tattoo also looks wrinkly in spots. I showed someone they said my tattoo lost color, and I asked my other friend and she didn't know what it was...please help, I have no idea what's wrong.My tattoo is skin colored in some spots?
more than likely the ink has left that area of the tattoo. They might have penetrated to skin too deep causing the ink to seep inwards and leave blank and slightly discolored spots, or sun damage or something else that contributed to severe fading or eroding of the ink. You're best bet is to stop asking strangers and friends and go back to the shop where you got it or a different shop and show them and they can more than likely touch up and fill in those areas.My tattoo is skin colored in some spots?
Getting sunburned can make your tattoo lose color, if the person who did your tat did not color your tattoo in good enough, they could have missed some spots. If you had scabs and they got scratched off that could have pulled the color out, there could be a number of things that could have happened but this is the most common.
Have u been in the sun alot? That can fade a tat or depends on how old is it. Just needs to be touched up.

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