Monday, July 26, 2010

Something powerful to clear serious pimple spots??

I've used lots of creams but it doesn't work at all. Do any of u know what's the best product that I could use to clear spots away?Something powerful to clear serious pimple spots??
ProActive! :)

It works on me...

But if you want the natural way, use lemon citrus after a face wash but it will hurt a lil...Something powerful to clear serious pimple spots??
do not use any products such as PROACTIVE and stuff...because once you use will help you BUT waste your money , your acne comes back once you stop %26amp; also these companies just want people's money that's all...for them it's just business...i tried everything since i was 13 to 21 (now) from putting garlic and other food on my face...different creams...even yeast on my face...

1)the only thing that reduced my pimples is by soaking my face every once a month (whenever you like) with green tea, it has antioxidants...also i drank a cup of green tea everyday for the last 10 months and my acne reduced, (also it helps reduce bad cholstrol, cancer,replaces your dead skin with newer ones, removes fatty unwanted substances in your body %26amp; lowers high blood pressure and also i didn't have a cold for the last 10 months too)...

2)be patient, clean your face everyday with neturogena acne (oil free products): wash your face in the morning, then after coming back from school or work, then again at night before you sleep.

3) reduce your stress by keeping yourself busy with stuff you like and try to sleep early and make a routine(really important), it also helps reduce pimples

4) don't eat alot of oily junk food, try to cook mostly fried vegetables such as brocolli, baby corn, peas, carrots(good for skin) don't eat alot of meaty stuff, try to eat chicken and fish...(try chinese asian foods without the junk curry sutff..limit the sauces used...use soy or oyster sauce with the vegeatbles %26amp; chicken) and when you fry them use VEGETABLE oil.

5)my result: after trying all the above, my pimples reduced and i just have one or two before i get my period...

i hope it helps:)
Once a pimple appears, it actually takes a long time for the spot to heal and become less visible. I have friends who used products from Neutrogena, like Rapid Clear Acne Eliminating Spot Gel and pure Vitamin E and these have helped in reducing their spots. It sometimes help that you apply Dalacin by Pfizer at the first sign of a pimple so it does not become full blown.

If your problem is serious, I would recommend you visit a dermatologist who can advise you on the best way to look after your skin. Also, eating healthy and drinking lots of water helps but if you are a teenager, then hormonal changes can play havoc too.

Hope you manage to get some help from my and other answers and find out which can help you to a clearer complexion!
You can try Acutane. It's a big pill that you can take everyday. And after a while, you stop getting acene. A dermatologist prescribed it for my cousin. You have to be very careful of the sun if you do choose it though.
drink lots of water, eat fruit and veggies to expel toxins in body;

use acne wash with salicylic acid to remove dead skin cells that clog pores; dab tea tree oil on pimples to clear them away; tea tree oil is a powerful bacteria killer and antiseptic.

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