Monday, July 26, 2010


So my partner has quite a few doesnt bother me at all but he gets really down about it. I've been really lucky and only had about 5 spots all my life and im 17 [though ive probably just jinxed myself!]

Anyway we've tried all the spot cream and stuffs but nothing works, no matter how clean he is before he goes to sleep hes guranteed to wake up with at least 3 spots! i think its down to the junk food he should he stop eating crap and are there any other remedies please??Spots.......?
I worked for several years in a skin care clinic and saw this all the time. Spots are caused by over production of sebum - the acne virus loves this and thrives in the warm, damp atmosphere which causes inflammation (so a warm bed is unfortunately making things worse.) There are lots of ways this can be fixed. In terms of 'at home' treatments: make sure he cleanses his face at night and in the morning thoroughly, using a cleanser suited to his skin type. He should also look for a day cream that controls sebum production, these work well on Men. I'm sorry but please don't go for the over the counter 'spot' products. These dry the skin causing it to produce more oil and the problem gets 5 times worse, believe me I've seen the results. Exfoliation is excellent as it clears out the pores so they can't get blocked, as are clay masks. If he wants to get serious treatment, then a course of Microdermabrasion or Skin Peels will work wonders. He could also try NLite-V Laser which kills the acne virus in the skin. The product range I recommend is Environ - it's not cheap, but boy does it work. I've seen it turn around major cases of acne. Hormone problems are generally the cause of over-production of sebum, so the spots will probably clear up soon if he's still young, but if not then it's worth getting his hormones checked. Food allergies can sometimes be a problem, but only if he gets the spots up his cheeks. Around the jaw and chin is usually hormonal. In short: clean, clear out the skin and try to reduce oil production.Spots.......?
a medicated face wash or something with witch hazel extract in it... a change in diet would certainly help - he can still have junk but balance it out with lots of fresh fruit veg and lots of water instead of alcohol or fizzy drinks.
I'd get him to stop eating junk food straight away! When my mum was taking chemo therapy she had to eat healthily to keep her strength up and she said that she noticed that she didn't have one single blemish on her skin. Also drink loads of water!! When we were on holiday in Spain I drank so much water it was unbelievable!!! And so the mixture of water and vitamin D (sun) made me get really clear skin. Also try going out more into the sun! Also don't use these chemical washes that you can buy because they just make you break out in more spots.So use them maybe every other day! Leave your bedroom windows open in the day because the fresh air at night will seriously help. Oh and eat olives! Lots of them! They are really good for your skin and you could try just massaging olive oil into your face to keep it smooth and spot free! Good luck!!! =D
hello. i've had some spot issues too so i've got a few words of advice that i can pass on. i use clearasil, which a lot of people say is bad because it dries your skin right up but i think this is a good thing because i usually get spots when my face gets all oily. i don't know whether your partners in the same boat?? Anthow other things i've found help are.. drinking lots of water, to make sure i drink lots of it i've made it the only drink i'm aloud (unless i'm out drinking alcohol). Aswel as this tell him to change his pillow case on a regular basis because if you think about it your resting your face there for hours and hours every night. i started of washing it every night but don't do it as often now. It really helps and it made me feel better knowing i was laying my face somewhere nice and fresh after it had been washed. hope this helps.
cut down on sugar and drink lots of water
I use tea tree oil cleanser and toner for my spots and im spot free on my face mainly all the time. *touch wood* I use this everynight and then face cream before bed and it works. I recommend drinking water and lots of it some thing i dont do enough of as it flushes out your system and leaves your skin fresh and clear. Also greasy foods are bad for you so avoid them as i used 2 live on them for a while and my skin became greasy and horrible and that wasnt nice. So try more salads, pasta and avoid oil and greasy foods. Also pubity is a big problem there and completly natural so its not his fault. Men cant cover their spots like women can but he can change his diet and use certain products. Maybe clearisel will work too but its too commercial to me. Freedom gel would work or my step sister tried one from her local chemist as she has bad spots and it helped.
Tell pizza face to try cutting down on the junk food, eat more fruit, drink water and go to the dr. and get some sort of prescribed cream.

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