Monday, July 26, 2010

Whats a good facial wash to get rid/prevent spots?

Reccomondations of a make?Whats a good facial wash to get rid/prevent spots?
By spots, I'm going to assume that you mean freckles? There isn't a facial wash out there to my knowledge that can make that claim. If you are serious, you would have to go back ';in time'; to when it was popular to be pale, clear-skinned, 1800's in England. I think they used to bathe their faces with buttermilk or lemon juice, several times a day to eventually fade the freckles. If you are not talking about freckles, see a dermatologist for a recommendation, they will know more about what it is and how to do something, if anything, about them.Whats a good facial wash to get rid/prevent spots?
make facial scrub twice a week ..neatrogena is good with nitrogena soap
try semen!

it worked for my ex!
The best facial wash against spots is the zinc+clay formula.
Try using Bog Myrtle oil after washing - 3 drops mixed in with a splsch of alcohol carrier - perfume or oxy wash. It's 10 times better than tea tree oil and smells 100 times better.

BTW if you want to get rid of spots look to your diet - what is it that your sebum glands are allergic to and overproduce - for me it was cow's milk - when I stopped consuming all forms of it - milk, cheese, butter, spreads, cream, biscuits, chocolate etc the spots stopped.
witch...Expensive sh*t lol

Or you could use warm water with salt xx

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