Friday, July 23, 2010

How do I make old acne red spots lighten up? And pores appear smaller?

If you have serious scarring from previous bouts with acne, there are some things you can do. One form of treatment is laser resurfacing, which can be done in the doctor's or dermatologist's office.

Another method for treating acne scarring is dermabrasion.

One thing you shouldn't do to deal with acne scars is load up your face with masks or fancy lotions - these won't help and may irritate your skin further, making the scars red and even more noticeable.

If you have a red or brownish mark on your face that you got from a bad zit, have no fear - it will eventually fade, just like the scars you had on your knees after you fell off your bike when you were a kid. However, it may take 12 months or longer - so your best bet is to avoid these kinds of marks by not squeezing or popping your zits, no matter how tempting it may seem.How do I make old acne red spots lighten up? And pores appear smaller?
Mary Kay has a great at home Micro Dermabrasion system.

I can send you some free samples if you would like.How do I make old acne red spots lighten up? And pores appear smaller?
I had acne for over 6 years %26amp; was left with some really noticeable scars.. A friend of mine recomended Bio Oil.. I use it twice a day as a moisturiser %26amp; also use it as a bath oil.. Ive been using it for over two months now %26amp; everyone has noticed the difference in my skin.. Its much clearer the scars are fading %26amp; my skin is always soft !!
Use medicine for the acne and facial wash for the pores.

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